Friday, May 27, 2011

How do I use place marks?

1- Open Google Earth

2- Find following places-Harvard, Mass., Indianapolis. NorthwesternUniversity, San Antonio (The Alamo),Hocking,Ohio, Nevada (Hoover Dam),Washington DC ( Vietnam War memorial), Gettysburg Pa(Gettysburg Battlefield)

3- Use a PLACE MARK for each locations

4-Open WORD document-- Table 3 columns/7 rows & save a picture/street view picture of each place

5- Use RULER then PATH and measure in miles from you home town to each and put on WORD

6-Copy and Post to comments

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What are tornadoes?

OPEN a WORD document-- Use Hyperlinks and respond to following ??
1)Vocabulary - Vortex Super Cell
2) Collect all of the names that describe types of Tornadoes
3) Find maps of Tornado Alley and Super Outbreak April 3,4 1974
4) Give a short description of the disaster in Joplin Missouri
5) Post Word document
