Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How does the US court system process a trial?

1-Select from the below list one famous Trial.
Mike Vick

Lindsey Lohan --OJ Simpson-- Shoeless Joe Jackson --Scottsboro Boys

Sam Sheppard-- Chicago 7-- Lenny Bruce-- Leornard Peltier

Squeaky Fromme --Michael Jackson --John Hinckly --Timothy McVey

Chris Brown-- Kobe Bryant-- Hurricane Rubin Carter-- John Brown

LAPD (Rodney King Beating)-- Martha Stewart--

2-COPY Trial Project off Flash Drive

3-Paste to WORD document

4-Fill in research data and save to Flash drive for class presentation( you may collect pictures here)

Web Sites

Famous Trials




Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What does the Judicial Branch use Juvenile Procedures for?

WV Juvenile Procedure
1-List 2 ways juveniles may be treated differently than adults.
2- List crimes that can result in transfer to adult jurisdiction
3-Explain expungement?
4-Relate 3 Bill of Rights to any of the above.
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