Friday, May 7, 2010

How do I research the May 11.2010 election ballot for my home county?

Use the following site(download) to find out who is up for office at home, and if you might know them

Then use your Media library to research responses to the following:

1) check for any other Ballot issues and what are their implications for at least one?
2)Pick a minimum of 5 candidates and research and list 2 qualifications?
3) What does the offices do that your selected candidates wants to serve the public for?
4)In paragraph form tell which job you would like, and why, and what qualifications you posess that would make you successful?

Post comment to teacher blog and your blog:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What are the 3 branches of government? What may be called the 4th branch of government?

1-Access Teacher BLOG

2-student will use Web sites to list 12 news sites that would explain

Obama’s jokes— List these sites as comments to my Blog and as Hyperlinks to your blog

key words

Charlie Crist, Mitt Romney, Jersey Shore(tanning booths), John Baynor, Death panel, Sarah Palin,

Eric Massa, Rahm Emanuel, Arizona's immigration laws, Washington Senators baseball team, Twitter, Politico, Facebook,