Friday, June 3, 2011

Where do they live?

Use the WEB SITES of Team Rosters
You will be assigned a team

Use Google Earth and placemark where each player lives--
1) the player who makes the most money use a green dollar sign$$ --the least money yellow
dollar sign$$
2) Placemarks should have their last names

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What are Casey Anthony's charges?

Write a analysis on Word
1) Background/history of events before Caylee's death
2) Theories from Law Enforcement of her death & caharges
3) Casey's first testimony
4) Casey's present admission
5) Your conclusion & opinion
6) Write at the bottom of analysis citations-- for "PEOPLE & FOX" sources
--author-- Title--Web address-- Date--

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What is plagiarism?

1- Use GOOGLE an provide definitions and examples of the following words;
plagiarism, Common knowledge
2-Write responses in WORD and post to Comments
3- Open Plagiarism Test in new window , then click on Plagiarism in FLASH
4- View Tutorial using buttons
5- Take Quiz -- IF UNSURE GO BACK TO TUTORIAL and find correct response

When complete FunBrain