Friday, March 11, 2011

Dude!! Where's my interview??

--Use Below Link--
--Use WORD -- Insert TABLE (5 rows/4 columns) to collect information--
--Save to Flash drive as JOB --
1)Select any 5 companies
2) Find main office city location
3) Use GOOGLE EARTH--place mark city and find street address
4) Use street view and locate picture of building where you will walk into for the interview
5) What will you where specific to company selected

When complete

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What are the most admired companies?

1--Access & Read Fortune 500

Bests Places to Work

2-List attributes of a good business on a WORD page

4-Select 3 businesses -explain using complete sentences-- what they do? on WORD page

List of Best Companies

5-Pick one and explain ( using 3 things from attributes list” why would it be a good place to work-- complete sentences

6- Copy and Post to comments

When Complete