Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What does it take to graduate?

Monday, December 20, 2010
How do I comment to past BLOGS?
Friday, December 17, 2010
What do you think was your favorite part of a peers project?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What is a Smart Phone? How may it effect now and in the future our lives?

1- Quick overview “Japan Cell Phone-a League of their Own”
Access class BLOG
2- Open each web site provided
3- Research web sites
4- Collaborative groups
· Smart phones available ( List at least 5 and what are good and bad about each)
· Service providers
( List at least 5 and what are good and bad about each)
· Smart phone features available-
( List at least 5 and what can they be used for)
· Applications available-
( List at least 5 and what can they be used for)
· Possible features/applications in future or security needed(Predict the future and what may someday be useful)
5- Copy/paste to comments
6- Reply to a peer’s comment
7- Present to class 3-2-1
Friday, December 3, 2010
How do I animate a item from my project using FLASH?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What’s going on in Korea?

1- Access class BLOG
2- Open each web site provided
3- Research web sites
4- Write a letter(in WORD) to a peer about Korea
· Korean person
· Korean food
· Korean car you would drive
· US command in Korean
5- Copy/paste to comments
6- Reply to a peer’s comment
Famous Koreans select someone
Korean Food-- select something you would try
Korean Cars - scroll down & Pick a car
US Military in Korea (Click on COMMAND & choose Unit)
When complete use GOOGLE EARTH and fly over North and South Korea
Friday, November 19, 2010
How will I earn Social Studies Credit? Tuesday Classwork

What is plagiarism? Monday Classwork

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Why do we need heroes and entertainment during War?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How would I show appreciation for a veteran killed in service?

1- Access class BLOG
2- Visit each web site provided
3- Research web sites provided and select a person
4- Write a letter of appreciation to the family of the deceased serviceman—write on WORD and paste-- ( minimum 4 paragraphs)
5- Post letter to comments
6- Respond to pre-selected peer as you would imagine a family member of a hero who gave their all might do so
Medal Of Honors Cultural Library
Enduring Freedom ( use the search of West Virginia or hometown)
Do a google search for additional info or your HERO
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Who won the big show?
Friday, October 29, 2010
What are the three levels and branches of government?

1- Access class BLOG
2- upload WORD form to desktop
3- Use listed web sites to research election ballot of local area
Scenario: Pick a local candidate, and prepare a short speech in which to convince your peers to vote for that person.
Research that person for facts that warrant your support
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What is news for teens?

1- Access class BLOG
2- Visit 3 of 5 web site provided and list 1 article from each
3- Read completely 2 article and write short summary on WORD
4- The two articles ---- find and list 2 web sites for each where additional info can be found.
5- Post document to comments
6-Read other posts and comment to at least 2 of your peers
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Who is running for WV senator? Who would I chose if I could vote?

1-Access Class BLOG
2- Use hyperlinked web sites to access information on election
3-Read /review information
4- Comment to class blog who you would vote for and 4 reasons why. Please write this in paragraph form on WORD then paste- I expect a substantial argument with reasons, and examples given.Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What Judges represent your home districts? What judges are up for re-election?

1-Access Class BLOG
2- Use specific web sites for research to locate judges in your area
3- Use web site for research -- what judges are up for re-election.
4- Pick one judge and write an introductory letter, on WORD then paste to comments.(who am I, how are you doing, what can you do better)After Post
Monday, October 4, 2010
What is the meaning of Burden of Proof?

The indictment is simply the description of
the charge made by the government against the defen-
dant; it is not evidence of guilt or anything else. The
defendant pleaded not guilty and is presumed innocent.
He may not be found guilty by you unless all twelve of
you unanimously find that the government has proved
his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Where are Gaza, West Bank and Israel? What religions are involved?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
How does the US court system process a trial?

Lindsey Lohan --OJ Simpson-- Shoeless Joe Jackson --Scottsboro Boys
Sam Sheppard-- Chicago 7-- Lenny Bruce-- Leornard Peltier
Squeaky Fromme --Michael Jackson --John Hinckly --Timothy McVey
Chris Brown-- Kobe Bryant-- Hurricane Rubin Carter-- John Brown
LAPD (Rodney King Beating)-- Martha Stewart--
2-COPY Trial Project off Flash Drive
3-Paste to WORD document
4-Fill in research data and save to Flash drive for class presentation( you may collect pictures here)
Web Sites
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What does the Judicial Branch use Juvenile Procedures for?

Friday, September 10, 2010
Who are 2 of my WV House of Delegate members?

Research the WV House of Delegates listed at Web site.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
What Civics topic may my BLOG title be?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
What is current BILL proposed in the West Virginia House of Delegates?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
What is the current status for troops in Iraq?

Monday, August 30, 2010
What type of City government is used for my local government?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Can I sell my kidney's? or Is it really worth a arm and a leg?

1-Access Class BLOG
2-student will use Web sites to respond in essay form
3-Listen to 15 /20 min of Podcast --BODIES FOR SALE
(Does US Law satisfy Supreme Court Justice John Marshall-"nose test?)
4- Respond in Essay address to
Demand/ rights/ problems
5- When comment is posted—respond to 3 other’s comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What level of government tells you what to do NOW??--OH Yeah Welcome back!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
How do I create a advertisement for community service?
1-Access Class BLOG
2-student will use Web sites to research a WV fair
3-Student will create a OFFICE brochure, or flyer that uses 4 advertising strategies
4- The flier will also include dates, pricing,schedules,activities,musicWednesday, August 4, 2010
What does it take to be a Billionaire and who are five who belong to the club?
WRITE in WORD, then Post to comments & your BLOG
1- Who are 5 billionaires from the Forbes list
2-Post a comment (Your first name only at top)to my BLOG and your summer blog in essay form (at least one female and one person under 40) and tell their ages, where they are from, and what they did to make their $$$$ money?
When Complete you can discover additional stuff about Billionaires or check out the below sites
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I am looking to the future, and I want change. Who can I recommend for WV Senator?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday 7/9 Who would I suggest to replace Senator Robert Byrd?

thursday 7/8 How would I save money at a bank?