Thursday, November 19, 2009

Globaloria Class assignment

Using a topic from the worksheet that you did earlier you will list a minimum of 2 websites for information on that topic. With this information on the topic, you will think up a game format that might work. This you will blog on your BLOG!!!


  1. I think this assignment that you had up do, was completely appropreiate. I feel as if your the teacher, and its your assignment.

  2. The book you gave me wasn't what i am doing my topic on. I am doing a civics topic, which should be my grade level, and you said i could do one, so i am going to research some stuff on civics.

  3. Uhm I didnt do that game format, because I havent been here except for two days that we have ever even talked about a game. Most of the other peers were confused as well so I am just waiting till you get back so that you can help me with it so I dont get it wrong.

  4. Okay Garvin im going to create a game that has to do with fashion througout the years. You know that I am big into fashion and I think this wouold be a great opportunity for me.


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